Meet the Single Adult/Single - Parent Family Ministry Team
Single Adult/Single - Parent Families Contact: |
Rich AvilaContact: ravila@gotinspiration.netRich is the Single Adult/Young Adult Ministry Pastor at Sheffield Family Life Center, in Kansas City, Missouri. He is a graduate of Central Bible College, and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Rich also serves as the Administrator of Sheffield's College of the Bible and is the Single Adult Coordinator for the Southern Missouri District of the Assemblies of God. Rich and his wife Dana have two grown sons, Ben and Drew, a lovely daughter-in-law, Enjoli (married to Ben), and a grandson, Hosea. They live in Blue Springs, Missouri. Topics Rich enjoys speaking on include:
Darcie DeckerContact: darcied@rushmore.comDarcie has been an active leader in the single adult ministry called Saturday Night Alive in Rapid City, SD. This ministry is a community-wide, trans-denominational group that reaches out to the community of single adults. Over the past 24 years she has been a steadfast leader of a College and Career Ministry that developed into a Single Adult Ministry and is now supporting the beginning of a young adult ministry. Two and half years ago Darcie and a small group of concerned people started Oasis, a young adult ministry reaching out across the denominational boundaries to gather young adults together to share and learn of the hope in Christ. She believes in the importance of acceptance, encouragement and sharing the love of Christ with people. She enjoys people and has a heart of welcoming and encouraging young adults and single adults. Darcie is single and enjoys the opportunity to gather with friends, her family and her church family.
Kevin WhiddenContact: kwhidden@cfaconcord.comPastor Kevin Whidden is a graduate of Southeastern College of the Assemblies of God where he received a Bachelor’s degree in Church Ministries. Kevin has extensive experience within the local church and has served as a Youth Pastor, Associate Pastor and Church Planter for several congregations. Currently, Kevin serves on staff at Concord First Assembly as the Pastor of Single Adults and Community Outreach. Kevin also serves as the Adult Ministries Team Lead at CFA, overseeing Pastors and Directors in the areas of Men, Women, Seniors, Evangelism and Discipleship. Kevin also has the honor of serving on the Board of Cooperative Christian Ministries, a faith based organization that seeks to meet the emergency needs of residents in the Concord & Kannapolis area of North Carolina. His wife, Jodi, of five years, is a full time employee of the Wells Fargo Corporation and enjoys serving alongside Kevin as they fulfill the various roles the Lord has given them. Topics Kevin enjoys teaching includes:
Craig RasmussenContact: ecrasmussen@msn.comTopics Craig enjoys teaching include: • Christian Worldviews and Christian Philosophy • Apologetics • Christian Principles applied to Family and Personal Life • Economics and Investments ____________________________________________________________________________________ |
Adam Sanchez
From a minister's home and a native of Northwest Indiana, I relocated to Houston, TX in 2007 where I began attending North Central Church in Spring, TX. In 2009 I became the Director of the P-12 Singles Ministry. The goal of P-12 is to recognize, reach, restore, disciple, and release single adults into the Kingdom of God. The group has grown and flourished over the past few years and we view it as a "rest area" - not a final destination. Our ministry is very active in church activities, community and missions. We actively support our community through partnering with nonprofit organizations such as Spring Assistance Ministries, Back to Basics and YWAM. We traveled to Bucharest, Romania in 2010, bringing support and aid to our missionary. We have raised over 12K to support global missions through our yearly P-12 Singles Ministry 5K Run/Walk.
I am also the Director of the North Central HonorBound men's ministry, teach the singles Sunday School class, work within our usher ministry and coordinate all of the major events such as conferences, concerts, etc. for our church.
My wife, Karen, is part of the worship team and enjoys keeping me in line as we serve together. We feel that God has brought us together using our life experiences of divorce and death of a spouse. Our stories brings a unique contribution to the singles ministry and hope to all singles. He makes all things new and we are living proof that it's not over.
Topics Adam enjoys speaking on include:
- Developing and Growing Single Adult Ministries
- Making a Difference With What You Have and Despite What You Lack
- Encouraging
- Others
Laurie Ganiere
Laurie has a long history in ministries that endeavor to reach people for Christ and help them to discover and become all that God has called them to be. From 1994 through 2001, she was the Director of both the Urban Ministry Center and the Urban Bible Training Center in Milwaukee, WI, where she also received her ministerial training. She is ordained with the Assemblies of God . She also served as Interim Pastor at 2 churches in the Milwaukee area, and served as the Director of Milwaukee AIM for the Wisconsin Northern Michigan District from 1997 through 2004. She has been honored to speak at numerous Women's Ministries events throughout the District and within local churches. Laurie joined the Pastoral Staff at Oak Creek in April of 2002, where she is currently serving. Her portfolio includes Outreach and Single/Single Again Ministry. She and husband Rick have 4 children and the number of grandchildren continues to grow. Together they enjoy spending time with the family, motorcycle rides, traveling, board games with friends and the Green Bay Packers.Topics Laurie enjoys speaking on are:
- Freedom from the Effects of Abuse
- The Preciousness of Frustrations and The Discords of Life - (when it doesn't make sense)
- Spiritual Intimacy
- Forgiving When It's Hard
- Building a Synergistic Team
Don Partridge 
During the 1970s and 80s, Don was Director of Adult Ed. at the Assemblies of God church in Monterey, California, and president of a local Church Bible College. After a heartbreaking divorce, Don left Monterey and joined the Assemblies of God church in Fremont, California, where he served as a board of director for eight years. Once remarried and in a stepfamily, Don moved to Pleasanton, California, and joined CrossWinds Church and became an elder for three years.
Deeply concerned over the felt needs of separated parents and stepfamilies, and responding to a call of God, Don left his job in 1991, became a full-time student and received his BA, Masters, and Doctorate degrees all in the space of nine years. In 2000, Dr. Partridge began the Institute for Family Research and Education, a ministry dedicated to providing quality education to single parents and stepfamilies.
Don both is both a writer and speaker, speaking in seminars and conferences throughout the country and has authored a series of books, his latest titled Loving Your Stepfamily: The Art of Making Your Blending Family Work. He currently resides in Pleasanton, California, is the proud parent/stepparent of a highly successful blending stepfamily with seven children, now all married, and enjoying fifteen grandchildren.
Don Enjoys Speaking About:
- Single - Parent Family Issues
- Stepparent Family Issues
- Blending Families Issues
- Making a Remarriage Work
- Children's Issues in a Stepfamily